Reduced winter hours until March 12, 2025
Mandir Hours: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM & 4:00 PM-7:00 PM, Aarti at 11:45am and 6:30 pm everyday
Bal Gokul
Mangal Mandir Bal-Gokul program offers weekly classes to provide children spiritual and cultural orientation in their formative school years (KG to 12). The classes are organized by age groups. The program start @ 10:30 AM on every Sunday during school year with prayers and singing dhun, and end with mandir aarti at 12 Noon.
What Children are learning in Mangal Mandir Bal Gokul ?
Our mission is to teach about Sanatan Hindu Dharma, Hindu Heritage and practice Hindu values in an enjoyable way. Our objective is to provide the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society. Children learn to recite the Sanskrit Shlokas with the meaning and sing Bhajans as a part of the Hindu Sanskars.
Parent Session:
When Childeren go to their class after the comon prayer time, parents remain in the main prayer hall for their session. Parent session nomrally begins with Hanuman Chalisa followed by discussion topics related to religion, cultural or soical matters. Occasionaly, other activites including yoga sessions and speeches by experts are held.
For more information or to join balgokul , please send email to mmbgevents@gmail.com or to dilipamita@yahoo.com .

This class is designed to be an introduction to Hinduism to the youngest students. Children in the Kindergarten, First and Second grade can attend this class. Children should be able to follow simple instructions and sit in a classroom environment independent of their parents. Classes are conducted in English. Show more information on Jagrati Group
Shakti Group (3rd to 5th grade)
This class is designed to learn slokas, Hindu Rituals and Culture, major Hindu festivals, basic principles and symbols of Hinduism, stories from Ramayan, Das Avtar of Vishnu and Hindu Rites and Rituals. Show more information on Shakti Group
Bhakti Group (6th to 8th grade)
They are learning about Ramayan, Hindu Gods/Goddess, their message, importance in life. They are doing workshops on the arts and crafts, mainly taken from traditional Indian/Hindu culture. Show more information on Bhakti Group
Yukti Group (9th to 12th group)
They are learning about Srimad Bhagavad Geeta, the message of Lord Krishna. They are also learning/discussing about values universal value system highlighted in Hindu Epics. Show more information on Yukti Group