Reduced winter hours until March 12, 2025
Mandir Hours: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM & 4:00 PM-7:00 PM, Aarti at 11:45am and 6:30 pm everyday
Bal Gokul Jagrati Group (Kindergarten to 2nd grade)

This class is designed to be an introduction to Hinduism to the youngest students. Children in the Kindergarten, First and Second grade can attend this class. Children should be able to follow simple instructions and sit in a classroom environment independent of their parents. Classes are conducted in English.
Class Material
The class material will focus on a theme for the entire semester or sometimes even the entire academic year. Instruction will be given during class on the material and supporting artwork/homework may be assigned. The supporting material is designed to supplement their learning in class and to give the parents an opportunity to discuss the material with their children. It is not mandatory to be completed but we do encourage the kids to work on the homework. Guided reading material may be introduced if time permits.
The children typically remain in our class for three years (Kindergarten, first and second grade.) In order to avoid repetition, our curriculum follows a three year plan as follows:
Hindu religion and culture (art, music and dance forms)
Gods and Goddesses resident in Mangal Mandir where we learn about the divine duties of each God/Goddess, their consorts, their vahanas and astras. We have a treasure hunt at the end of the semester to find the divine paraphernalia of each God/Goddess. Gods and Goddesses including but not limited to the Gods and Goddesses in Mangal Mandir.
Ram Lila where we learn about birth of Rama, his pastimes and when He kills Ravana.
Krishna Lila where we learn about birth of Krishna, his various childhood pastimes and when He finally kills Kamsa. Devotees such as Narad Muni, Dhruv, Ambarish, Gajendra, Sudama, Gopis, Shabri, Tulsidas, Valmiki, Kevat. We also learn “Why do we?” to support the religious practices in Hinduism.
Class Material
The material covered will be supported with documents uploaded to the class website. These documents are lessons that the children can learn from. We also use “Hindu Dharma Essentials” book to supplement our learning. If your child is absent, please download class lesson and homework from the class website.
All students are strongly encouraged to attend all sessions. This allows them to have an uninterrupted flow in learning. If your child is going to be absent, please download the material from the class web site and discuss with your children.
Mangal Mandir Balgokul families celebrate in all the major festivals throughout the calendar year. Class time is spent on explaining the festivals and the kids learn the why, what, how on the festivals. Please supplement their learning in class by providing your children with details on “why you celebrate the festival, why is it important to you and your family, how do you celebrate the festival.”
Kiran Mody
Megha Bavarva