Reduced winter hours until March 12, 2025
Mandir Hours: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM & 4:00 PM-7:00 PM, Aarti at 11:45am and 6:30 pm everyday

Shri Mangal Mandir Senior Club has started a Support Group
The primary purpose of this support group is to provide services and assistance to the members of our community that need help in anyone of the following categories by calling volunteers list under each category. Please feel free to call and ask for help/support at anytime. This program is for the benefit of everyone and NOT limited to seniors only. Also, this program is open for anyone who would like to join this group and be active member involved in the activities that have been identified as areas of need in our community. The categories and scope which were identified are as follows and persons to contact are listed underneath each category:
1. Loss of family member, loneliness and stress management
Scope: emotional support, be available for person to talk and share feelings, social contacts to help with feelings of loneliness and help develop strategies for dealing with stress of any kind.
Tarini Desai – 301-576-1850 (Highland)
Upendra Desai – 301-577-6987 (Lanham)
Ila Desai – 301-854-0457 (Highland)
Nirmala Shah – 301-537-6984 (Silver Spring)
Vrajnish Shah – 301-540-0006 (Boyds)
Urmila Amin – 301-320-549 (Potomac)
Kalpana Patel – 301-774-6508 (Olney)
Chandrakant Patel – 301-869-3359 (Gaithersburg)
Sharad and Rekha Desai – 410-531-3924 (Columbia)
2. Cooking and survival skills for both men and women
Scope: simple meals, household chores & resolving problems associated with these, car related problems and solutions and identifying individuals or companies to help resolve major problems involving home or car.
Hansaben Desai – 301-577-6987 (Lanham) Navin Mehta – 301-384-7082 (Silver Spring)
Niruben Pancholi – 202-679-1184 (Gaithersburg)
3. Activities during retirement
Scope: what to do with your time, developing interests and hobbies, mentoring activities, social work and exercise.
Lopa Mehta – 301-384-7082 (Silver Spring) Sashikant Ganatra – 301-591-4344 (Boyds)
Dahyabhai Patel – 301-317-1917 (Laurel) Chandrakant Patel – 301-869-3359 (Gaithersburg)
Arvind A. Patel – 410-531-9641 (Columbia)
4. Crochet for cancer patients and other charity works
Scope: blankets, scarves, toys etc. for cancer patients (adults and children), sandwich project for homeless shelters, canned and packaged food drive for food banks.
Hansaben Desai – 301-577-6987(Lanham) Shardaben Patel – 301-317-1917 (laurel)
Lopa Mehta – 301-384-7082 (Laurel) Rekha Desai – 410-531-3924 (Columbia)
Indiraben Khatri – 301-384-2554 (Sil.Spring) Kalpana Patel – 301-774-6508 (Olney)
Mrudula Mehta – 301-258-0748 (Potomac) Indra Tuli – 301-977-1058 (Rockville)
Kishor Pancholi – 202-679-1184 (Gaithersb) Renuka Parikh – 301-424-3026 (Gaithersburg)
Hemlata Patel – 301-881-1510 (Rockville)
5. Volunteers and transportation
Scope: relieve family members in the hospital, transport people to Dr.'s etc. if they do not drive, provide meals when needed, develop carpool for people who do not drive to attend programs at the Mandir, airport drop off and pick up.
Urmila Amin – 301-320-5949 (Potomac) Vrajnish Shah – 301-540-0006 (Boyds)
Usha Patel – 301-236-4377 (Silver Spring) Lopa Mehta - 301-384-7082 (Silver Spring)
Tarini Desai – 301-576-1850 (Highland) Anjana Joglekar – 433-535-0768 (Clarksville)
Arvind Patel – 240-604-3383 (Laurel) Yashodhara Vyas – 301-854-0409 (Highland)
Kishore Pancholi -202 -699 -1184 (Gaither) Hemlata D. Patel – 301 -881 - 1510
6. Computer literacy skills
Scope: internet surfing technique, e mails, on-line banking and bill payments.
Jayesh Patel – 301-236-4377 (Silver Spring) Chandrakant Patel – 301-869-3359 (Gaithersburg)
Kishor Pancholi – 201 – 679 – 1184 (Rockville)
7. Financial information
Scope: information regarding social security, taxes, banking and Medicare/Medicaid and supplementary health insurance.
Jayesh Patel – 301-236-4377 Pushpavadan Kadakia 410-465-4475
8. Medical, pharmacy and lawyer information and. consultation only -- no treatment
Scope: sharing health related issues and seeking advice, getting information about various vaccinations and tests, information on prescription and over the counter drugs and maintenance drugs, legal consultation about Wills etc.
Dinesh Patel – 301-881-1510 (Rockville) Urmila Amin – 301-320-5949 (Potomac)Sharad Desai – 410-531-3924 (Columbia) Hemlata A. Patel – 410-531-9641 (Columbia)
There are several other active participants in the group other then the ones listed
above. They are:
Ashwin and Indira Kinkhabwala 301-210-8816 (Laurel)
Kishor and Mrudula Mehta – 301-258-0748 (Potomac)
Naren and Veena Shukla – 301 – 384-3042 (Silver Spring)
Anju Shah – 301-840-2135 (Gaithersburg)
Ravindra and Kaushalya Shukla 301-840-5648(Gaithersburg)
Bhupin and Nayana Marfatia 301-464-3723
Motibhai and Rita Patel – 301-384-4355 (Silver Spring)
Kokila Patel – 240-604-3383 (Laurel)
They all attend the meetings which are held on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Everyone is welcome to join and participate fully in this worthy activity. For more Information, please feel free to call either Kalpana Patel at 301-774-6508 or Tarini Desai at 301-576-1850